St. Gianna Molla
St Gianna Patron of Mothers & Unborn Children
Dr. Gianna Molla loved both her children and her patients. She was noted for the special love she had for mothers and children. Dr. Molla specialized in pediatrics in an effort to be even more effective in her assistance to them. She didn’t charge patients who couldn’t afford to pay her fees.
St. Gianna’s love for her patients was huge, but even greater was her love for her own children; she called them her “jewels.” Her untimely death at the age of 39 was due to her desire to give the child she was carrying every chance at life.
A Gift of Life
While pregnant with her fourth child, a fibroma was found during early pregnancy. Gianna was given the option of having an abortion, a total hysterectomy, or the riskiest option of only removing the tumor. Gianna chose to have only the fibroma removed, putting the chance to save the baby over the risk to herself. The rest of the pregnancy was difficult, and Gianna made it clear that if there was a problem during the delivery, they should save the child’s life rather than her own. St. Gianna gave birth to a baby girl but died on April 28, 1962, just eight days later due to complications of the delivery, That child, named Gianna Emanuela, grew up to become a physician herself and has had a wonderful life because of her mother’s selfless sacrifice.