Services & Fees

New clients attend an intro session & then 8 follow up sessions over a course of a year.
We offer a 10% discount for pre-payment in full for new clients. We also offer monthly payment options.

Long term clients are encouraged to attend follow up sessions every 6 months.
For those attending a free group intro session, there is a $50.00 initial supply fee.

• One on One Intro Session $100.00
• Follow-up Session (1hr) $100.00
• Chart Review (30min) $50.00
• Chart Supplies & Stamps $10.00

St Gianna Center has longstanding tradition of making services available for everyone – regardless of financial situation or ability to pay. If you are interested in services, but are unable to pay the full fee, please submit a request at

This funding is made possible in part by a Community Impact Grant from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of St Petersburg & Share the Mission from the Diocese of Venice.

St. Gianna Center for Women’s Health and Fertility Care

1508 59th St. S, Gulfport, FL 33707