Become a Practitioner

FertilityCare Practitioner Education Program

This is a 13 month course of study incorporating two classroom instruction phases followed by a supervised teaching experience.

Class 27 Starts soon!

Education Program I
November 15-22, 2025

Education Program II
May 2026 (dates tbd during EPI)
Gulfport, FL

Our Faculty

Diane Hale RN CFCE

Diane Hale, RN CFCE

Debra Gramlich, MD CFCMC

This program has been approved for accreditation by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals (AAFCP). It adhers to the Code of Ethics and provides students the educational background to become eligible for AAFCP certification.

St. Gianna Center for Women’s Health and Fertility Care

1508 59th St. S, Gulfport, FL 33707