About Us
About St. Gianna Center for Women’s Health and Fertility Care
Our mission is to provide professional education, support, and training for the promotion of good reproductive health using the Creighton Model of FertilityCare™, which respects all human life and the self-worth of participants. The FertilityCare™ System is an Natural Family Planning model that provides useful health information beyond family planning.
Although we do charge fees for our services, we accept whatever payment a client is able to provide. Approximately 50% of our clients pay less than our full fees for services. We rely on donations to continue providing services to all, including those who are unable to contribute anything towards their fees.
View our latest Annual Report. Click Here
St. Gianna Center for Women’s Health and Fertility Care is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Gulfport, FL.
We serve women and couples in Florida and across the United States.